The Eastern Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout Association
A Unique Fishing Club
Over 35 years have passed since a handful of local Oswego County, NY anglers formed the Eastern Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout Association (ELOSTA). It was evident to these far sighted individuals that the then blossoming Lake Ontario salmonid fishery was here to stay. It was also obvious at the onset that the utilization of this vast resource would draw a great deal of attention and pressure from competing interests. With that in mind, ELOSTA encourages the development of resource management practices that provide equitable consideration for various angling preferences, the lake's unique and irreplaceable habitat and, related recreational and boating interests.
Currently, and more than ever, this unique global resource is being challenged by ill conceived politically supported proposals such as wind farms and other questionable self serving interests. In addition, invasive species including quagga mussels, round gobies, spiny water fleas, and crested cormorants, etc. continue to out compete the indigenous prey species that are the very foundation of the lake’s dynamic ecosystem. Today it is various species of Asian Carp that are pounding on our back door.
Changes are inevitable and anglers will continue to be asked to make their positions known regarding environmental studies, stocking proposals, State and Federal fiscal constraints, and fishing and boating regulations. ELOSTA offers an opportunity to be Informed and to actively participate. It also provides a monthly forum for its 300 plus members to become acquainted, discuss fishing conditions, compare tactics and, on occasion, to describe in great detail where and how that big one managed to get away. opportunity to be Informed and to actively participate. It also provides a monthly forum for its 300 plus members to become acquainted, discuss fishing conditions, compare tactics and, on occasion, to describe in great detail
where and how that big one managed to get away.